
You can reach my Youtube channel, other blog site, github page, linkedin profile and about me all of them ;)


Object Oriented Programming(OOP), SOLID Principles, Design Patterns, Service Oriented Architecture C#, .NET Core, NET Framework, Entity Framework, Dapper, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, Blazor, VueJS, Framework7 ASPNET MVC & Razor, ASPNET Web API, XML Web Services, WCF, Telerik, DevExpress, MAUI Blazor(Mobil+Web+Desktop), SQL Server Reporting Service, Docker Containers Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, MSMQ, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Azure Web Apps, Azure Storage, AzureSQL, Azure Functions, Azure CosmosDB Git, GitHub, Azure, Azure(CI/CD), TFS, JIRA


full-stack instructor, udemy instructor, online one-to-one trainer and corporate trainer

Medium member since January 2024
K. Murat Baseren

K. Murat Baseren

Software Architect | .NET Developer | Project Manager | Instructor | Lifetime Learner